Governance Risk and Compliance Management System

One Pyramid Consulting Ltd

One Pyramid Consulting Ltd Official Resellers of ZEBSOFT

Management of change Have the ability to see what will be effected by change by having a 360 degree view. User generated change requests Management f review and escalation Assignment of change related responsibilities Monitoring performance against objectives and KPI's Create objectives and targets Append checklist forms for monitoring Checklist results automatically update objective With automated communication, you can take advantage of the system's ability to generate notifications, providing you with real-time updates on various statuses and tasks. Ensure that documents and records are up to date by receiving timely reminders about their expiry and review dates. Additionally, stay informed about upcoming audits and ensure attendance through the auditree attendance notifications. Receive prompt notifications of audit results and streamline reporting, feedback, and complaint handling processes. Utilize a comprehensive platform for conducting meetings of all types. Keep meticulous records of actions arising during meetings, which will be appended to the meeting minutes, ensuring full accountability and traceability of decisions made. The automated system can effortlessly invite attendees to meetings, ensuring that the right people are present. Notify agenda items in advance, allowing participants to prepare thoroughly. After the meeting, effortlessly add minutes and assign responsibilities to individual agenda items, promoting efficient follow-up on action items. Furthermore, use the platform to make announcements, ensuring important events are communicated effectively to the entire business, fostering transparency and alignment across the organisation. With automated communication, you can enhance productivity, efficiency, and communication within your business

Process Communication

  • Visual Processes
  • Documents at source
  • Training
  • Assets
  • Performers
Risk management software is a specialized tool designed to identify, assess, prioritize, and mitigate risks associated with a business or project. It provides a structured way to handle potential challenges, allowing organizations to make informed decisions, protect their assets, and ensure the continuity of their operations.

Risk Management

  • Compliance register
  • Contingency plans
  • Environmental aspects
  • Highlight risk
  • Interested Parties
  • Internal & external issues
  • Risk register
Equipment Maintenance No more missed service or inspection intervals Schedule all your activities and allocate responsibility. Equipment, information assets & infrastructure from one location. Link your equipment to your people & other equipment. Have complete control over Maintenance, Inspection & Calibration. Equipment Maintenance is essential to ensure the proper functioning, reliability, and safety of machinery and assets within an organization. Here's the British English version focusing on the benefits of Equipment Maintenance: Equipment Maintenance Say goodbye to missed service or inspection intervals with our comprehensive Equipment Maintenance system. Schedule and Allocate Responsibility: With our system, you can easily schedule all maintenance activities and inspections, ensuring that they are performed promptly. Allocate responsibility to specific individuals or teams, promoting accountability and timely completion of tasks. Centralized Management: Manage all your equipment, information assets, and infrastructure from a single, convenient location. Our system allows you to have a comprehensive overview of all the maintenance requirements across your organization. Link Equipment to People and Other Equipment: Create seamless connections between equipment and personnel responsible for maintenance. This linkage facilitates efficient coordination and ensures that the right people are notified of their responsibilities. Complete Control Over Maintenance, Inspection, and Calibration: Our system provides you with full control over your maintenance processes. From routine maintenance to critical inspections and equipment calibration, you can efficiently manage it all from one platform. With our Equipment Maintenance system, you can enhance the reliability and performance of your assets, minimize downtime, and comply with safety regulations. Stay on top of all maintenance activities, inspections, and calibrations, ultimately leading to improved operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Equipment & Infrastructure

  • Equipment
  • Assets & Equipment
  • Equipment Activity Schedule
Planned Auditing Professional high-level audits combined with lower level checking. Conduct & record your formal audits from your audit program. Control non-conformity & actions via task management. Join to bespoke checklist audits. Frequent Checklist Auditing Create as many templates as you need to achieve conformity. Appended information and tasks specific to each question. Conditional logic, opens additional questions Full logging of change during audit. PDF report output with photos Incident management, permit to work and many other uses.

Quality Management QMS

  • Auditing
  • Policies
  • Procedures
  • Work Instructions
  • Complaints
  • Improvement
Protecting Data at source Always know where data records and assets are. Identify all data records. Create your DPIA Statements Full data asset identification and access rights Managing Infosec compliance Built-in controls to meets the needs of ISO27001 SOA linked to risk management System controlled SOA publication Required policies maintained and controlled Protecting data at the source is a critical aspect of data security and compliance. Here's the British English version focusing on the benefits of protecting data at the source: Protecting Data at Source Always have complete visibility of data records and assets with our advanced data protection measures. Identify All Data Records: Our system allows you to identify and track all data records within your organization effectively. This comprehensive approach ensures that no data goes unnoticed and provides you with valuable insights into your data landscape. Create Your DPIA Statements: Conduct Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) confidently using our platform. Generate DPIA statements to evaluate and address potential risks associated with data processing activities. Full Data Asset Identification and Access Rights: Have full control over your data assets and access rights. Our system enables you to manage and monitor data access permissions, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access sensitive information. Managing Infosec Compliance: Ensure compliance with information security (Infosec) standards effortlessly. Our platform offers built-in controls that align with the requirements of ISO 27001, one of the most widely recognized information security standards. SOA Linked to Risk Management: Our system seamlessly links the Statement of Applicability (SOA) to risk management processes. This integration allows you to establish a clear connection between identified risks and corresponding security controls. System-Controlled SOA Publication: Easily publish and update your Statement of Applicability (SOA) using our system. With system-controlled publication, you can maintain the accuracy and relevancy of your SOA at all times. Required Policies Maintained and Controlled: Keep track of all required policies efficiently. Our platform ensures that necessary policies are maintained, updated, and controlled, helping you stay compliant with data protection regulations. By protecting data at the source, your organization can proactively manage data risks, safeguard sensitive information, and demonstrate a commitment to data privacy and security. With our comprehensive data protection measures, you can achieve greater peace of mind and build trust with your customers and stakeholders.

Information Security & GDPR

  • Data Protection

  • Impact Assessments
  • Data Assets
  • ISO 27001
  • SOC 2
Training and competency Create your own entry poaths for users so that navigate quickly to their areas. Identify all your risks & create your risk treatment plans. See all your risks easily & how they interact with other risks in your organisation Take the holistic approach to risk management.

Health Safety OHAS

  • Risk Register
  • Risk Assessments
  • Method Statements
  • Interested Parties
  • ISO 45001
Training and competency Create your own entry poaths for users so that navigate quickly to their areas. Identify all your risks & create your risk treatment plans. See all your risks easily & how they interact with other risks in your organisation Take the holistic approach to risk management.

Environmental Management EMS

  • Aspects and Impacts Register
  • Risk Assessments
  • Legislation
  • Interested Parties
  • ISO 14001
Document Control Total control of individual and group documentation Identification of micro changes Pre issue controls to prevent mis publication Visibility controlled by triangulated methodology Issue specific documents to sites, departments, groups and users Control of documents held externally Create your access points to regulatory requirements or large documents with intellectual property, whilst maintaining control of issue and visibility within ZEBSOFT.

Document Management

  • Company policies

  • Document register
  • External documents
  • Health & Safety documents
  • Information & guidance
  • ISO Documents
  • Process & Procedures
  • Standard Documents
Planned Auditing Professional high-level audits combined with lower level checking. Conduct & record your formal audits from your audit program. Control non-conformity & actions via task management. Join to bespoke checklist audits. Frequent Checklist Auditing Create as many templates as you need to achieve conformity. Appended information and tasks specific to each question. Conditional logic, opens additional questions Full logging of change during audit. PDF report output with photos Incident management, permit to work and many other uses.

Auditing Functions

  • Audit programme
  • Audit & CAPA results
  • Checklists
  • Checklists management
  • CAPA / Nonconformance

Continuous improvement Functions

  • Change management
  • Goals, Objectives & KPIs
  • Monitoring & measuring
  • Opportunities
  • Suggest change
Process Sustainability Processes provide a centralised point for users to access all the information required for them to accurately perform their duties. Document links Equipment Links Linked process Responsibilities and authorities Links to audit results Perform checklists directly from process Suppliers and Sub-contractors As enphasis grows on the management of supply chains to enable organisation sto demostrate sustainability and ethical practices from start to finish. Conduct supplier analysis Rate suppliers against bespike criteria Link supplier documentation to individuals Link supplier audits and non conformance reports Process sustainability is crucial for organizations to ensure the efficiency, effectiveness, and ethical practices throughout their operations. Here's the British English version focusing on the benefits of process sustainability: Process Sustainability Processes offer a centralised point for users to access all the necessary information to perform their duties accurately and sustainably. Document Links: Seamlessly link relevant documents to processes, making it easy for users to access essential information, guidelines, and procedures. Equipment Links: Connect equipment details to processes, facilitating smooth coordination between processes and the resources required to execute them effectively. Linked Process: Establish connections between related processes, creating a holistic view of the organization's operations and promoting seamless collaboration between different departments or teams. Responsibilities and Authorities: Clearly define responsibilities and authorities within processes, ensuring that each user knows their role and accountability in executing sustainable practices. Links to Audit Results: Access audit results directly from the relevant processes, enabling stakeholders to review and address any issues or improvements needed to enhance sustainability. Perform Checklists Directly from Process: Empower users to perform checklists directly within the process, streamlining compliance checks and ensuring sustainable practices are consistently followed. Suppliers and Sub-contractors: As the emphasis on supply chain management grows to demonstrate sustainability and ethical practices from start to finish, processes can play a vital role in achieving these goals. Conduct Supplier Analysis: Evaluate suppliers thoroughly to ensure they align with your organization's sustainability and ethical standards. Use processes to assess their environmental, social, and ethical practices. Rate Suppliers Against Bespoke Criteria: Develop bespoke criteria for supplier evaluation and use processes to rate suppliers based on their compliance with these criteria, fostering transparency and accountability. Link Supplier Documentation to Individuals: Connect relevant supplier documentation to responsible individuals or teams through processes, enabling effective management of supplier information. Link Supplier Audits and Non-Conformance Reports: Integrate supplier audits and non-conformance reports into the processes, enabling seamless monitoring of supplier performance and adherence to sustainability standards. By incorporating process sustainability into your organization's practices, you can enhance operational efficiency, promote ethical and sustainable practices across the supply chain, and align your business with the growing focus on environmental and social responsibility.

Processes & Suppliers

  • Centralised Processes

  • Process aspects displayed
  • Suppliers & Contractors
  • Third party documentation
Automated Communication Let the system genertated notifications keep you update on status Documents / Records expiry & review Audits due, auditree attendance notification Audit results Reporting, feedback & cmplaints received Meetings & Management Review Have a comprehensive platform from which to conduct meetings of any type. Maintain complete records of actions arrising appended to the meeting minutes to provide full accountability. Automatically invite attendees Notify agenda items in advance Add minutes Append tasks and assign responsibility to individual agenda items Announcements Communicate important events to the whole business


  • Announcements
  • Complaints
  • Management review
  • Meetings management
  • Notifications
  • Feedback
  • Reporting
  • Tasks
Training and competency Record training against each user linked to their processes and complinace. Ensure you have no gaps in organisational knowledge. Roles and responsibilities Definition of user job specific responsibilities and authorities in relatio to the work they carry out. Linked to document sensitivity and site defined access controls. Training and Competency Efficiently manage training and competency records for each user, linked to their processes and compliance requirements. Record Training Against Each User: Our system allows you to record and track training sessions for each user, ensuring that they receive the necessary training to perform their roles effectively. Linked to Processes and Compliance: Training records are directly linked to specific processes and compliance standards. This integration ensures that users receive training tailored to their roles and responsibilities. Closing Knowledge Gaps: By tracking training and competency, you can identify and address any knowledge gaps within the organization. This approach helps in enhancing overall competence and performance. Roles and Responsibilities Clearly define user job-specific responsibilities and authorities in relation to their work. Compliance with Document Sensitivity: Align roles and responsibilities with document sensitivity levels. This linkage ensures that users are aware of their responsibilities concerning sensitive information and adhere to access controls. Site-Defined Access Controls: Tailor roles and responsibilities to site-specific access controls. This enables users to access relevant information and functionalities based on their roles and authorization levels. With our training and competency management system, your organization can ensure that every user receives appropriate training and understands their roles and responsibilities in relation to their work. By linking training records to processes and compliance, you can foster a culture of competence and compliance, promoting a more efficient and secure work environment.

People & Roles

  • Licences & certificates

  • Roles, responsibilities and authorities
  • Teams
  • Training & Competency

Zebsoft provides a range of software solutions designed to help organizations manage their Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) programs. Here are some of the solutions provided by Zebsoft:

  • Cloud-Based: Global availability & rapid deployment.

  • Business Intelegence Reporting: See everything you need to know about your business

  • 360 Degree Risk Visibility: View you risk landscape & know your risk interdependencies

  • Asset Management: Calibration, inspection & maintenance logs. Clear asset association.

  • Document Control: Misuse becomes impossible, all documents are classified, controlled & securely archived.

  • Compliance Auditing: Rapid for day-to-day data harvesting & Professional for Governance auditing.

  • Multiple Sites: Allocate system resource, control communicated information with visibility & ownership of process control.

  • Tasks & actions: System tasks that maintain the links to source recording the actions trail.

  • Contingency Planning for disruptive events: Define & test your contingencies, react quickly to reach your predefined restore point.


The Evolution of Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance (GRC)

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, effective Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance (GRC) practices have become imperative for organisations striving to maintain transparency, integrity, and sustainability. As industries navigate complex regulations and dynamic risks, a comprehensive GRC framework ensures that businesses align their operations with strategic goals, manage risks efficiently, and adhere to legal and regulatory requirements. The emergence of cloud-based GRC platforms, such as ZEBSOFT, marks a significant evolution in how organisations control these critical aspects.

The Core Tenets of GRC:

Governance: At the heart of GRC lies governance, the strategic compass that guides an organisation’s decisions and actions. Effective governance establishes structured frameworks for leadership, ethical standards, and accountability. It defines roles, responsibilities, and processes, fostering a transparent environment where stakeholders can trust that decisions are aligned with the organisation’s mission.

Risk Management: In an ever-changing business landscape, risks are unavoidable. Risk management, a pivotal component of GRC, involves identifying potential threats and opportunities that could impact an organisation’s objectives. Through careful assessment, prioritisation, and mitigation strategies, businesses can make informed decisions that minimise negative consequences while capitalising on favourable outcomes.

Compliance: Compliance ensures that organisations operate within the boundaries of relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards. By implementing policies, monitoring adherence, and conducting audits, businesses safeguard against legal repercussions and reputational damage. Compliance fosters ethical behaviour, bolstering trust among stakeholders.

The Role of our Cloud-Based Platforms: The digital age has ushered in transformative technologies that streamline operations and enhance decision-making. ZEBSOFT’s cloud-based GRC platform represents a notable stride in this direction, combining cutting-edge technology with the core principles of GRC.

Integrated Approach: ZEBSOFT’s platform seamlessly integrates governance, risk management, and compliance functions. This holistic approach enables organisations to address these interconnected areas cohesively, fostering synergy and minimising silos.

Enhanced Efficiency: Leveraging the power of the cloud, ZEBSOFT’s platform offers real-time collaboration, data sharing, and remote access. This not only boosts operational efficiency but also enables stakeholders to make timely decisions based on accurate and up-to-date information.

Scalability and Customisation: Cloud-based solutions provide the flexibility to scale as organisations grow. ZEBSOFT’s platform can adapt to changing business needs and can be customised to cater to specific industry requirements.

Data Security and Compliance: Cloud platforms like ZEBSOFT prioritise robust security measures, ensuring that sensitive GRC data is protected. Regular updates and adherence to industry standards safeguard against potential breaches.

User-Centric Design: ZEBSOFT’s user-friendly interface caters to both technical and non-technical users, promoting easy adoption and engagement across various organisational levels.

As organisations strive to navigate the complex landscape of modern business, the principles of Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance remain fundamental. Cloud-based GRC platforms, exemplified by ZEBSOFT, mark a dynamic evolution in how these principles are integrated, managed, and optimised. By harmonising governance, risk management, and compliance, organisations can ensure that their operations are aligned with their mission, resilient against risks, and in full compliance with the law. This integration empowers businesses to not only survive but thrive in an ever-changing world

ISO Standards

Accreditation Bodies

Zebra Software Limited

  • Head office: Booths Hall, Booths Park, Knutsford, Cheshire, WA16 8GS.
  • Registered office: Riverside, Mountbatten Way, Congleton CW12 1DY, United Kingdom
  • Registered in England and Wales 11901161
  • ICO number A8778081