Compliance Auditing Ideal for Businesses, Consultants and Certification Bodies

Comprehensive compliance auditing software with full corrective action control (CAPA) & quick audit with user defined templates ISO QMS Audit, GRC Audit, Compliance Audit, Product Audit.

A Perfect addition to any Quality Management System (QMS)

Quick Check

ZEBSOFT features: 1. **Seamless Checks to High-Level Compliance Auditing and Risk Management:** This feature bridges the gap between basic operational checks and the broader compliance and risk landscape. It ensures that your audits cover both day-to-day operational efficiency and the critical areas of compliance and risk management. This is crucial because focusing solely on operational checks might miss potential legal or regulatory issues, while solely concentrating on compliance could overlook operational inefficiencies. 2. **Customizable Forms:** Every business is unique, and so are their audit requirements. Customizable forms allow you to tailor your audit process to match your specific needs. This flexibility is vital as it enables you to focus on what's most important to your business and industry, eliminating unnecessary checks and enhancing the relevancy and efficiency of your audits. 3. **Data-Driven Insights:** Data is the cornerstone of informed decision-making. By generating insights from your audit data, you can identify trends, anomalies, and opportunities. This empowers you to make strategic decisions backed by evidence, optimize processes, and seize growth opportunities while mitigating risks effectively. 4. **Real-Time Reporting:** Time is of the essence in business. Real-time reporting ensures that the findings of your audits are promptly available to relevant stakeholders. This speed of information flow allows for quick response and decision-making, helping you address issues and capitalize on improvements without delay. 5. **Collaboration and Continuous Improvement Tracking:** Audits aren't just about finding problems; they're about fostering improvement. Collaboration tools enable different departments to work together based on the audit findings. This synergy encourages a culture of continuous improvement where teams collectively address issues, share insights, and implement changes for ongoing enhancement. 6. **Drive Growth and Save Time:** Time is a valuable resource, and efficient audits save time. By streamlining the audit process and providing clear, actionable insights, ZEBSOFT allows you to dedicate more time to innovation, strategy, and growth initiatives. This is essential for staying competitive and seizing market opportunities. In summary, each ZEBSOFT feature serves a vital purpose in enhancing the audit process. From covering various audit aspects, ensuring customization, and providing data-driven insights to enabling swift reporting, fostering collaboration, and ultimately driving growth, these features collectively contribute to making audits more efficient, insightful, and impactful for your business.

Frequent process and compliance auditing using mobile checklists:

Replaces paper forms allowing for fast and simple process auditing on the go.
Make daily checks simple and ne informed of results. Audit results build to show how your QMS is performing.

  • Simple format for any user
  • Linked to system records for traceability
  • Receive valuable audit information instantly.
  • Create your own specific audit templates
  • Define an audit scoring mechanism to pass, warn or fail on a result
  • Simple to follow yes/no answering with scored audit results
  • Add audit detail when needed
  • Receive instant notification of the result of the audit
  • Dashboard audit reporting.

Professional compliance & product auditing and quality assurance using logical checklists:

Provides an advanced auditing platform for quality assurance audits, vendor audits, product audits.

QMS auditing in a fully functional desktop and mobile format with high level reporting.Build comprehensive audit templates

  • Auditing is linked to system records for traceability
  • Conditional logic allows for enhanced audit information harvesting
  • Define an audit scoring mechanism to pass, warn or fail on a result
  • Simple to follow answering with scoring
  • Add audit detail when needed and photos to audit questions
  • Task generation linked to individual audit questions
  • Receive instant notification of the result of the audit
  • Dashboard audit reporting.

Pro Check

 ZEBSOFT features: 1. **Auditing Linked to System Records for Traceability:** This feature establishes a crucial connection between audit actions and your system's records. Traceability is vital for accountability and transparency. By linking audits to system records, you ensure that any changes made as a result of the audit can be easily tracked back to their origins, fostering a culture of responsibility and making it easier to manage and validate actions taken. 2. **Conditional Logic for Enhanced Information Harvesting:** Not all audit scenarios are the same. Conditional logic adapts the audit process based on specific conditions or answers. This is pivotal as it tailors the audit experience, ensuring that only relevant information is gathered. This results in more accurate and meaningful insights, while also saving time by eliminating unnecessary data collection. 3. **Audit Scoring Mechanism (Pass, Warn, Fail):** Defining an audit scoring mechanism provides a clear evaluation framework. It categorizes audit results into 'pass,' 'warn,' or 'fail,' making it easy to interpret and act upon findings. This systematizes decision-making, ensuring that urgent issues are addressed promptly, and potential problems are flagged for further consideration. 4. **Simple Answering with Scoring:** Clarity and simplicity are key in audits. The feature of simple answering with scoring streamlines the process, allowing for quick responses while attaching a relevant score. This speeds up the audit completion process and enhances data accuracy, which is essential for generating accurate insights. 5. **Adding Audit Detail and Photos:** Sometimes, details and visuals are critical for understanding audit findings. Being able to add additional information and even photos to audit questions enriches the data. This feature is important because it provides context, making it easier for stakeholders to comprehend the situation and make informed decisions. 6. **Task Generation Linked to Individual Audit Questions:** Audits often uncover tasks that need to be addressed. Linking task generation to individual audit questions ensures that identified issues are systematically transformed into actionable tasks. This feature drives accountability and ensures that improvements are actively pursued after the audit. 7. **Instant Result Notification:** Timeliness is essential in managing business operations. Instant notifications of audit results keep stakeholders informed in real-time. This feature facilitates rapid responses, enabling prompt action in case of failures, and allows for quick acknowledgment of successful audits. 8. **Dashboard Audit Reporting:** Having audit data is valuable, but presenting it in an understandable format is equally important. Dashboard audit reporting visualizes complex information, making it easy to grasp trends, patterns, and areas that require attention. This feature aids in strategic decision-making and provides a snapshot of your organization's audit performance. In summary, these ZEBSOFT features collectively enhance the audit process by ensuring traceability, personalizing data collection, simplifying responses, promoting transparency, converting findings into actionable tasks, and facilitating informed decision-making through clear reporting. Each feature adds a layer of efficiency, accuracy, and usability to the audit process, ultimately contributing to more effective management and improvement of your business operations.

Planned Auditing

ZEBSOFT features: 1. **Configure Custom Compliance Audit Templates and Scheduled QMS Audits:** Customization is essential in reflecting your business's unique requirements. Being able to configure compliance audit templates allows you to align the audit process with your specific industry standards and internal processes. Furthermore, scheduling Quality Management System (QMS) audits for specific dates, departments, and auditors ensures organized and planned evaluation of compliance. This feature enables you to maintain regulatory compliance and internal standards efficiently. 2. **Link Pro Check Checklists to High-Level Compliance Audits:** Linking detailed Pro Check checklists to high-level compliance audits is crucial for granularity and accuracy. Pro Check checklists can cover specific operational areas in-depth, while high-level compliance audits ensure alignment with broader compliance goals. This linkage ensures that nothing is overlooked and that the entire compliance landscape is effectively covered. 3. **Table View for Audit Planning, Completion, and Review:** The ability to view audit status in a table format simplifies tracking and planning. It provides a clear snapshot of planned, completed, and missed audits, as well as those needing review. This feature enhances organizational transparency and aids in quick decision-making by offering a comprehensive overview of audit progress. 4. **Department and Activity-Based Audit Schedule Breakdown:** The breakdown of the audit schedule by department and activity is crucial for focused evaluation. It ensures that different areas of your organization are audited based on their unique requirements. Further filtering by site provides even more specificity, tailoring audits to location-specific conditions and regulations. 5. **Advance Communication of Audit Scope:** Clearly defining the scope of an audit and communicating it in advance is essential for preparedness. Attendees need to understand what areas will be evaluated. This feature ensures that everyone involved is on the same page, helping them gather necessary information and be ready for the audit process. 6. **Support for Planned Interval ISO Audits:** ISO audits are a critical part of quality management and compliance. Conducting them at planned intervals is crucial for maintaining certifications and adherence to international standards. This feature ensures that ISO audits are scheduled and conducted systematically, reducing the risk of compliance lapses. 7. **Professional Reports Linked to CAP and Non-Conformity:** Reports are essential for documenting audit findings and outcomes. Professional reports that are directly linked to Corrective Action Plans (CAP) and non-conformities streamline the improvement process. This feature enables seamless integration between identifying issues and taking proactive measures to address them. In summary, these ZEBSOFT features collectively contribute to an organized, efficient, and effective audit management process. From customization and compliance alignment to tracking, communication, and report generation, these features empower businesses to maintain regulatory compliance, drive continuous improvement, and ensure operational excellence.

High level planned compliance auditing:

Where a structured and planned management system audit programme is required with full scope and reporting mechanism tied to CAPA.

  • Configure custom compliance audit templates and schedule QMS audits for specific dates, departments and auditors.
  • Link Pro Check checklists to high level compliance audits to form p[art or all of the scope.
  • Use a table view to see which compliance audits have been planned, completed and missed, and those audits that are in need of review.
  • The audit schedule is broken down by department and activity audits, and can be further filtered by site.
  • Define the scope of the audit to be communicated to audit attendees in advance
  • Provides for ISO Audits that have to be conducted at planned intervals.
  • Professional reports with direct linking to CAP and non-conformity

Compliance audit reporting:

  • Compliance Audits are automatically logged in an audit and non-conformance register.
  • Drill down into individual audit records to examine and update a range of audit information, including:

    • ISO & Compliance Audit scope
    • ISO & Compliance Audi report
    • Additional evidence
    • Attached images and documents
    • ISO & Compliance Non-conformances, root causes and corrective actions
    • Outcome (no issues found/further action required/opportunity for improvement)
    • Review date
    • Assigned tasks

Raising CAPA & reporting ISO Non-Conformance:

  • Data within the audit CAPA and non-conformance register can be filtered, sorted and exported into CSV or Excel formats.
  • ISO & Compliance Non-conformance can be created within a planned audit
  • Direct raising of reactive non-conformance
  • Non-conformance fed by all users from feedback reporting
  • Checklist audits can be escalated to non-conformance
  • ISO & Compliance Non-conformances cannot be closed out until corrective actions (CAPA) are reviewed & effective

The ZEBSOFT auditing platform plays a crucial role in making these improvements possible:

Due to its multi-functional approach that seamlessly links basic checking to high-level compliance auditing and risk management. The platform offers fully customizable checklist forms, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the audit process by allowing businesses to tailor the auditing procedures to their specific needs and requirements.

Moreover, ZEBSOFT applies background scoring to the checklist items, providing a data-driven evaluation of various aspects of the business over time. As audits are conducted and data is accumulated, the platform generates valuable insights into performance trends and areas that require improvement. This data-driven approach not only saves time but also facilitates a continuous improvement mindset.

The platform’s integrated data collection and analysis capabilities allow for comprehensive data gathering and analysis across different aspects of the business. By centralizing data from various sources and processes, ZEBSOFT provides a holistic view of the organization’s performance and potential risks, eliminating the need for manual data gathering and reconciliation.

ZEBSOFT’s high-level compliance auditing and risk management features play a crucial role in identifying and prioritizing potential risks to the business. By providing actionable insights into risk areas, the platform empowers management to proactively address vulnerabilities and allocate resources more effectively.

Customizable reporting and interactive dashboards further streamline the improvement process by facilitating quicker decision-making and better communication of findings. Auditors and management can access real-time information in a user-friendly format, promoting effective collaboration and communication among different departments and stakeholders.

The platform’s continuous improvement tracking capabilities enable businesses to measure the effectiveness of implemented changes over time. By tracking the progress of improvement initiatives, companies can make data-driven adjustments for ongoing enhancement.

Lastly, ZEBSOFT’s scalability and adaptability ensure it can handle new challenges as the organization grows or undergoes changes, providing long-term support for improvement efforts.

In summary, the ZEBSOFT auditing platform’s multi-functional approach empowers businesses to save time, optimize operations, address risks, and drive sustainable growth. By leveraging its customizable checklist forms, background scoring, integrated data analysis, risk assessment, customizable reporting, collaboration tools, continuous improvement tracking, and adaptability, ZEBSOFT enables organizations to conduct efficient and proactive audits, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and success.

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    Compliance auditing requires a comprehensive review of the organisations ability to meet its legal & regulatory obligations. Audit reports form the primary control to evaluate the effectiveness of the organisations management system, taking into consideration the frequency of errors in any given area. Correct scoping of an audit will direct the auditor to preform reviews of critical areas such as policies and process conformity.

    The compliance audit varies in complexity due to the context of an organisation and the types of processes it performs, where data is an aspect to be considered the amount of data and its location and control will also need to be audited on a regular basis.

    In all cases, organizations must be able to demonstrate compliance by providing an audit trail, this trail will consist of multiple records and logs often generated within one or more management software tools, as well as internal and external audits.

    The difference between an Internal and an external/3rd party compliance audit

    Internal audits are carried out by employees of a company to asses and identify the overall risks to compliance and information security and to determine whether the company is following its own processes and policies. Internal audits are planned throughout the audit year and reports submitted to management to identify areas for improvement. Internal audits measure company KPI’s against output and strategic risks.

    External/3rd party compliance audits are formal compliance audits that are carried out by certified auditors (Normally IRCA) independently and follow a specific format that is determined based on the standard/law/compliance regulation being assessed. External audit reports measure if an organization is complying with thier own requirements and those of their given regulator/s.

    An auditor’s report is used by regulators and certification bodies to assess degrees of noncompliance, or to prove regulatory compliance. An external compliance auditor will often use internal audits to further evaluate compliance and regulatory risk management efforts and possible audit trails.

    Compliance audits are part of the governance, risk and compliance of an organisation

    Compliance auditing, either internal or external, can help a company identify weaknesses processes and lead to paths for improvement. 3rd party audits are not normally conducted to provide guidance at a compliance audit but the results can help reduce risk, and avoiding potential legal issues related to noncompliance.

    Compliance programs are in a constant state of flux as existing regulations evolve and change and new regulation is implemented. Compliance auditing provides an outline of internal business processes that can be changed or improved as requirements change.

    Audit Management, Streamlined Processes, Centralized Data Management, Automated Reminders, Real-time Insights, Data Security, Efficiency in Audits, Effective Audits, Hassle-free Audits, Business Growth, Innovative Audit Solutions, ZEBSOFT Platform, Audit Excellence, Organizational Excellence, Scalable Audit Solutions, Audit Workflow Automation, Simplified Audits, Secure Audit Data, Audit Optimization, Enhanced Decision-Making